As your business grows, it can be difficult to upgrade your equipment. Whether you need more workstations for employees or a more powerful server for business files and tasks, technology can be a gamble of an investment if you aren't able to earn significantly more through business operations to justify the purchase in an acceptable amount of time for your budget. Here are a few ways that remote technology and virtualization can boost your company's Information Technology (IT) department with a lower overhead as the business grows.

What Is Virtualization?

Have you ever used an emulator? An emulator is a program that pretends to be something else, such as another program or a completely different piece of hardware. In a world running on mostly Windows, Apple, and Linux systems, there are emulators that can pretend to be old Amiga computers, Texas Instruments calculators, Super Nintendo consoles, and all while still using your normal computer.

That power has boomed in less than a decade. Entire businesses have huge server farms dedicated to creating a huge mass of technology power than can be sliced and molded to suit your needs. Many brick and mortar businesses, internet-only businesses, internet personalities working on media brands, and other internet resources can operate on what seems like a nondescript row of refrigerators.

With virtualization, you can simply buy computing space that represents a computer with a certain amount of processing power, memory, storage space, and other specifications. The only limit is the available power of the entire facility minus other customers, and if you're a growing business, you probably don't need more than a fraction of a single server.

Remoting Into Virtual Systems

In a way, remote technology and virtualization has taken the world back to the days of the mainframe, which was disrupted when personal computers entered homes and businesses.

You can use a basic computer--a laptop, computer, or any other system that can connect to the internet--to get to your virtual machine. You will log in with a username and password, just like logging into a website.

From there, you can access your virtual machine as if it were a file on the computer. It can open up either in a browser window or a remote access program that delivers a full screen view to give a more immersive feel to the system, but that's not necessary.

Contact a business IT solutions professional to get help with other configuration options for your business. Companies like Moving Forward IT can offer more information.
